Catholic Worker Aotearoa

The world would be better off if people tried to become better, if they stopped trying to become better off…. When everyone tries to become better, everybody is better off.”
Peter Maurin who with Dorothy Day co-founded the Catholic Worker Ploughshares community in New York in 1933 during the great depression.
This film tells the story of the Catholic Worker Ploughshares Communities in Aotearoa New Zealand in Aotearoa NZ, who view the Treaty of Waitangi as our nation’s founding covenant and try to live the Sermon on the Mount and its modern implications. There are CW houses of hospitality in Christchurch, Otaki, Hokianga and Wellington.
CW communities promote non-violence and a ‘small is beautiful’ approach to life, practise co-operative work and peace-making, focus on issues of justice, support prison ministry, help create intentional communities, try to practise voluntary poverty and personalism, and engage in regular prayer and celebrate weekly liturgies.